Importance of Personal Resume Website

Why having a personal resume website is a game-changer?

A personal website or an online resume/CV site is a concept almost unheard of in Pakistan. Although there are a few professional people from media who have a personal website, but majority of the people don’t have a personal website. The reason is quite understandable, even if many people have thought about owning a personal website in Pakistan, they don’t have a clear understanding or an idea of how these things are acquired, secondly when they ask someone about setting up a personal CV or resume website in Pakistan, they get very misleading information about the website.

Although it is a fact that the process of getting a website in Pakistan for a non-technical person is a complex and cumbersome process, what with all the domain registration and hosting details (mark my word people run away even after hearing these two phrases), but the truth of the matter is this that the process in its entirety is a bit intricate.

Nowadays, the competition in job market and the client market as well is highly tough and job seekers or business owners need an edge to stand out.

Job seekers in Pakistan use the old method of sending a CV (mind you the CV is mostly in a pathetic condition) and then hoping that the recruiting company will call him up.

Having your own distinct website which displays your skills, experience and expertise can be a real game changer for people who either are applying for jobs or who are reaching out to client base. I can tell you from personal experience that even if a person has mentioned his blog on a website, HR people check the blog to detect how good a person that he.

Having your own distinct website which displays your skills, experience and expertise can be a real game changer for people who either are applying for jobs or who are reaching out to client base. I can tell you from personal experience that even if a person has mentioned his blog on a website, HR people check the blog to detect how good a person that he.

In many international publications, we have seen a constant trend that people and recruiters alike say that one of the biggest edge people have is that if they have a personal resume or online CV.


What is personal website or online resume website?

But the question here is that what exactly is a personal website or an online resume website? Personal website is like any other website you visit such as or but what sets it apart is the fact that on this website, your entire work, professional and skill summary or the services you offer is displayed for the world to see.

It is accessible from anywhere in the world, and on top of this if you start getting indexed on search engines, then your name will start appearing in searches as well. A CV or a Resume is something which is limited to the hard disks of people whom you send it to, but a personal website is your one way ticket to establishing your presence on the internet forever.


What are the components of a personal resume website?

Normally the task of getting a website up and running for those people who are not associated with the website development is very tedious and mind boggling. The reason is quite simple that a website is made from very different un-related components. Before getting a website a person has to answer the following questions?

  • How can I register a domain in Pakistan?
  • From where should I get reliable hosting packages in Pakistan?
  • Who will design my website?
  • How will I get a custom made website?
  • How and where can I purchase the templates?
  • Who will write quality content for my website?

You see there are technically hundreds of questions when it comes to get a website up and ready and these questions make up the components of a website in most cases.


Difference between a professional CV, Info-graphic CV and a personal resume website.

CV / Resume - A CV or a resume is a simple Word or PDF based document usually comprising of 2 – 3 pages, which has three major areas, your personal information, your academic background or achievements and finally your professional work history. Although CV is the most often used medium in the world for applying for job applications, but the problem lies in the words mentioned above (most often used), therefore it doesn’t set’s you apart.

Although having a professionally written CV in Pakistan can boost your job chances abundantly nevertheless a CV is something which you send against a job position. In Pakistan people are becoming aware about getting CV or resume writing services from professional companies because they know that the odds will be stacked against them if they use a bland CV.

Info-graphic CV or Visual CV - Info-graphic CV or Visual CV is a very summarized and organized form of your CV or Resume which is translated and relayed mainly through very little content but a lot of images and visuals hence it is called a visual CV. Visual CV’s are good if you want to help the recruiters to sift through your profile and make a decision to shortlist you or not, that is one of the reasons that info-graphic CV’s trend is catching up in Pakistan. Info-graphic CV’s are very attractive, and many professional resume writing services in Pakistan are offering these.

Personal Resume Website - The trend of having a personal website is not only rare in Pakistan but is also rare in the world, only established professionals have them, however recent surveys show that this can put a candidate at an incremental advantage. Getting a personal website or an online CV in Pakistan is very difficult, because as mentioned earlier the different components which make up a website are very hard to get from a single source. The people who will opt for a personal website in Pakistan will have a huge edge over the rest of the candidates.

In Pakistan you can find many resume writing services but no one offers personal website development or online resume or CV development services so far.< /p> has become the first platform in Pakistan where you can get one window solution for all your profiling needs from having a cover letter to professionally written resumes/CV’s, LinkedIn Profile writing in Pakistan, and also the most coveted personal website.

Our process is simple and efficient, you just have to provide us with some basic details, select your website template of choice and sit back and wait to get your personal website up and live. So don’t wait up and get signed up for a professional personal resume website in Pakistan today!

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